Saturday, November 17, 2012


by :google image

Cybercrime is a term for any illegal activity that uses a computer as its primary means of commission. The U.S. Department of Justice expands the definition of cybercrime to include any illegal activity that uses a computer for the storage of evidence. The global nature of the Internet has allowed criminals to commit almost any illegal activity anywhere in the world, making it essential for all countries to adapt their domestic offline controls to cover crimes carried out in cyberspace. The use of the Internet by terrorists, particularly for recruitment and the incitement of radicalization, poses a serious threat to national and international security.

The Department of Justice categorizes computer crime in three ways:

1.    The computer as a target - attacking the computers of others (spreading viruses is an example).

2.    The computer as a weapon - using a computer to commit "traditional crime" that we see in the physical world (such as fraud or illegal gambling).

3.    The computer as an accessory - using a computer as a "fancy filing cabinet" to store illegal or stolen information.

p/s : to learn more about cyber crime, visit the Department of Justice Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section's website at

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